
摩特诺玛的学生是充满激情的人,他们追求雄心勃勃的信仰生活, purposeful careers, and Christlike change. 我们知道神以他的形象创造了你,让你有无限的潜力来荣耀他,爱你的邻居.

无论你是否已经规划好了自己的道路,还是仍在做重要的决定, 我们在这里激励和装备你,将你的愿景和激情转化为改变生活的事工, organizations, businesses, movements, churches, and lives.

我们的教授将丰富和支持你的学习和成长. 你会有同伴和导师鼓励你效法基督, sharpen your skill set for your career, and cultivate your thriving faith.

In our community, 你会发现在基督里同为弟兄的人,都很乐意事奉主, digging into Scripture, and discovering opportunities for the gospel in any career. 无论你离开后的旅程带你去哪里,你都会有一个可以称之为家的地方.


Fall Priority Application Deadline: August 1

Spring Priority Application Deadline: December 1

Fill out your MU application


这应该至少包括你高中三年级的成绩单(或GED成绩报告). 它应该是一份密封的文件,直接从你的高中寄给摩特诺玛大学. 如果你还没有毕业,也请在毕业时提交一份最终成绩单.

Homeschool: If you do not have an official transcript, 您可以提交您的普通教育发展(GED)考试成绩或 签署的家长声明 ,表明您已经满足了您所在州的家庭学校要求 和9-12年级的书面成绩单 ,确定您所修的每门课程, the grades you received, and your graduation date. Multnomah provides a free transcript template as a courtesy to our homeschooled applicants.

申请摩特诺玛大学的学生必须高中毕业或获得同等学位(GED) minimum 2.5-grade point average (GPA).

Tuition & Financial Aid

If you need help paying for your education, you’re not alone. Multnomah University offers a wide array of scholarships, grants, 以及旨在帮助你支付教育费用并充分发挥学生潜力的奖项. Learn more about our tuition and financial aid.

Free Year of Tuition


Learn About the Scholarship


我们通过了西北大学委员会和神学院协会的认证. 这种宝贵的区别使我们的“圣经大学”模式为求知者提供了一个安全的社区. Read more about our accreditation.

摩特诺玛是一所无宗派的基督教学校,欢迎各种背景的信徒. In our Doctrinal Statement, we outline how important this status is to Multnomah, our students, 以及我们如何让我们的毕业生为忠诚的服务生活做好准备.

If you do not have an official transcript, 您可以提交您的通识教育发展(GED)考试成绩或签署的家长声明,表明您已经满足了您所在州的家庭学校要求,以及9-12年级的书面成绩单,说明您所修的每门课程, the grades you received, and your graduation date. Multnomah provides a free transcript template as a courtesy to our home-schooled applicants.

To be as inclusive and accommodating as possible, we do accept limited credits from unaccredited Bible colleges. 有关这方面的更多信息,请联系招生办公室.

We have several upcoming dates for visitors—and several visit options to fit your specific questions and your schedule.

审计课程的请求由书记官长办公室审查和批准. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar page for more information.

“If you want to study the Bible, Psychology, Business, or even if you don't know, come explore what God placed in your heart. Step into what you're passionate about.”

Hannah Dewing '19, Bible and Theology, Summit Program

Questions for Admissions?

我们来这里是为了帮助你探索摩特诺玛以及它所提供给你的一切. 我们也可以帮助您解决有关录取过程的任何其他问题. Call or text us at (503) 251-6485 or email admissions@quartermilecare.com

Undergrad Prospective Student Viewbook
